
Dyspraxia and the Brain. Keys to Improve quality of life

Dyspraxia is a complex neurological condition that effects motor control skills and can significantly impact an individual’s life.

Understanding dyspraxia, its causes, symptoms, types, diagnosis methods as well as treatment options can be overwhelming for parents and caregivers.

A simple and effective strategy and a little bit of knowledge can go a long way to help both kids and their parents. 

Table of Contents:

The Prevalence and Impact of Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia, also known as developmental coordination disorder or “clumsy child syndrome,” is a neurological condition that significantly impacts motor skills. Studies suggest dyspraxia affects approximately 6% of children, with boys being more commonly diagnosed than girls.

This disorder often begins during early childhood and may last into adulthood. It primarily influences three areas: physical activities, speech development, and cognitive processing.

Challenges in Physical Activities

Children suffering from dyspraxia often struggle with fine motor tasks such as writing or buttoning shirts, tasks their peers might find easy to perform. Symptoms like poor posture and clumsy movement are common indicators of this disorder, which may lead to them appearing less coordinated during sports or other physical activities.

Speech Difficulties Due to Dyspraxia

In addition to affecting the body’s movements, dyspraxia symptoms extend into language development too. Children with this disorder take a longer time processing what they want to say, leading to slower response times during conversations along with difficulty pronouncing words correctly.  This is one reason why some people mistakenly assume these children have learning disabilities when it’s actually an issue related primarily to speech-motor control rather than cognitive abilities.

Cognitive Processing Challenges Caused by Dyspraxic Disorders

Movement difficulties caused by disorders like dyspraxia aren’t limited just to the level of physical actions; individuals frequently face challenges in planning out the steps needed for performing certain tasks because the brain struggles to coordinate its intentions effectively into actions.
In fact, clinical psychologists highlight how spatial awareness - understanding where one’s body is in relation to space - can be impaired among those living with this disorder, causing further complications in navigating through daily life routines.

Key Takeaway: 

Dyspraxia, or “clumsy child syndrome,” is a neurological disorder affecting motor skills and cognitive processing in about 6% of children. It can cause difficulties with physical activities, speech development, and task planning due to the brain’s struggle coordinating intentions into actions.

The Different Types of Dyspraxia

There are four distinct forms of dyspraxia, each with its own particular indications and difficulties.

1. Ideomotor Dyspraxia

Ideomotor dyspraxia presents itself when individuals have difficulty performing single-step tasks such as waving goodbye or brushing their teeth. They comprehend the task but struggle to execute it smoothly due to clumsy movement patterns, which can impact daily activities at home and school.

This type of dyspraxia might even affect a child’s language development because coordinating mouth and tongue movements for speech production becomes challenging.

2. Ideational Dyspraxia

In contrast, ideational dyspraxia involves more complex sequences of actions like getting dressed or making a sandwich. This results in struggles organizing steps into a coherent sequence, thereby affecting an individual’s ability to organize thoughts and actions, resulting in disorganized behavior evident during multi-step tasks requiring special awareness and planning abilities.

3. Orofacial Dyspraxia

Orofacial (or oral) dyspraxia affects control over facial muscles, leading to problems with speech, eating, and facial expressions. Children displaying signs often exhibit poor posture associated with inadequate muscle tone, which may further exacerbate issues related to balance and coordination, thereby increasing clumsiness observed in these children during routine activities involving upper body strength utilization, writing, using cutlery while eating meals, etc.

4. Constructional Dyspraxia

Constructional dyspraxia manifests through difficulties understanding spatial relationships between objects. This leads to struggles in constructing simple structures with blocks, drawing shapes accurately, and organizing items within space. Children showing signs of this variant might display poor handwriting and an inability to correctly copy geometric designs, indicating a visual-motor integration deficit. Each type presents its own set of hurdles; however, early detection followed by appropriate intervention strategies could greatly enhance the overall quality of life, ensuring they reach their

Key Takeaway: 

Dyspraxia, a neurological condition affecting motor skills, comes in four flavors: Ideomotor dyspraxia hampers single-step tasks; ideational dyspraxia complicates sequences of actions; orofacial dyspraxia disrupts control over facial muscles; and constructional dyspraxia affects understanding spatial relationships. Early detection and intervention can

Understanding and Addressing Dyspraxia

Helping parents understand the root cause of dyspraxia along with how effective treatments work, can help them improve their kids’ quality of if. 

Diagnosing dyspraxia, sometimes takes a team of clinical psychologists, pediatricians, OTs and PTs typically conduct a thorough assessment to diagnose dyspraxia; this evaluation process takes into account movement difficulties as outlined in the Journal of Child Neurology. A study published in the Journal of Child Neurology highlights movement difficulties as one primary factor considered during this evaluation process.

Which is also one of the main reasons early intervention focused on improving motor control is so important.  And why it’s important to Incorporating regular physical activity into your child’s routine to help them manage some symptoms associated with this neurological disorder.

OT’s and PT’s can  play pivotal roles here, providing strategies aimed at enhancing daily living abilities and improving muscle strength and coordination.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care and Dyspraxia

Families are increasingly exploring chiropractic care alongside traditional treatments when managing neurological disorders, including Dyspraxia. Pediatric chiropractors use gentle techniques designed specifically for young bodies, which may help improve cerebellar function.  

The cerebellum helps in movement, balance, coordination, regulating emotions and learning.  Focused attention on improving cerebellar function should be a key part of any care plan for someone dealing with dyspraxia and is the reason pediatric chiropractic care is vital for kids.  

Research and clinical evidence suggest that one of the main benefits of routine chiropractic care is improved cerebellar function.  This can improve posture, along with large and small muscle movement which can help children’s speech development and coordination.  

FAQs in Relation to Dyspraxia

What is the root cause of dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia stems from an immaturity in neuron development within the brain’s cerebellum, impacting motor skill coordination and planning.

What are the 3 components of dyspraxia?

The three components include ideational, ideomotor, and constructional. These affect conceptual task understanding, single-step task execution, and multi-step task performance respectively.

What are four types of dyspraxia?

The four types are oral dyspraxia affecting speech; verbal dyspraxia influencing language; motor dyspraxia impairing movement; and constructional dyspraxia affecting spatial awareness.

What do people with dyspraxia struggle with?

People with dyspraxia often grapple with issues related to physical activities like balance or fine motor skills. They may also face challenges in social situations due to difficulties interpreting non-verbal cues.


Dyspraxia, a prevalent condition affecting many children, has profound impacts on their daily lives.

It’s rooted in the cerebellum and manifests in different types such as verbal dyspraxia or ideomotor dyspraxia.

Early diagnosis is key to managing this condition effectively.

Chiropractic care for children can be an important factor in aiding the cerebellum and improving life quality for those suffering from dyspraxia.

In essence, understanding dyspraxia paves the way for early intervention and better management strategies.

Schedule a free virtual phone consultation with one of our doctors today. Call to 585-241-9990 or use this link to schedule online

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